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LASIK and LASEK - what's the difference?

If you've started to think about having laser eye surgery and you're now researching in more detail, the chances are that you've probably been a little bit bewildered by some of the medical terminologies out there.

One of the things that can confuse a lot of people is the difference between the two types of laser eye treatment that we offer - LASIK and LASEK.

We don't blame you; they're almost the same word!

Here our Clinical Director Noelle explains the difference between the treatments.

Sometimes the unique characteristics of your eye can make you unsuitable for LASIK treatment - for example, if you have thin cornea. If you are unsuitable for LASIK treatment, you might be recommended LASEK treatment as an alternative.

Only a medical professional will be able to tell you what the type of laser eye surgery you're suitable for. Both treatments provide exactly the same quality of results and both are as effective as each other.

If you want to find out what type of laser eye surgery you're best suited to, please call one of our team on 1800 818 543 or book your FREE consultation using the button below. 

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