Patient Reviews

"It’s a game changer for me, totally."


Lens Replacement Surgery
May 2021

With a particularly high prescription of -9 in both eyes, Andrew was forced to rely on glasses and contact lenses from a young age but grew increasingly frustrated with the everyday inconvenience of them.

Working in the construction industry as a carpenter and joiner, he was worried that his glasses were leaving him at risk while on-site, as they prevented him from wearing safety goggles. Keen to find a more effective solution that would give him the hassle-free vision he desired, he booked in for a free consultation at Optical Express.  

Living a very active lifestyle, Andrew found that poor eyesight not only affected his work but also impacted his ability to play his favourite sports. “I’ve played a lot of sport all my life, so football, straight away I have to wear contact lenses. You can wear specs but it’s not advisable really. If it’s a little bit blowy or rainy with contact lenses, it’s not great you know,” he explains.

Eager to rid himself of the constant hassle and inconvenience, the final push for Andrew came when he suffered from an eye infection that left him unable to wear contact lenses for weeks on end. He recalls thinking: “I’m fed up with wearing glasses, I’m fed up with wearing contact lenses. I’ve now got an eye infection because I’ve been wearing contact lenses, so, let’s do it.” Deciding to opt for surgery, he was treated at our state of the art clinic in Dartford.

Achieving 20/20 vision, Andrew has already noticed the drastic impact that surgery has had on his quality of life. “Everything I do is totally different to how I did it before the operation. Showering, when I get up in the morning, reaching for a shower bottle, I can now see which one I’m going for,” he explains. Delighted with his new-found visual freedom, he is excited to get back to his favourite activities without his glasses or contact lenses holding him back: “I haven’t been swimming yet but just being able to go in the sea and not worry about doing it with contact lenses or prescription goggles on, yeah, totally different.”

Impressed with his results and the care he received throughout his journey with us, Andrew wouldn’t hesitate to recommend lens replacement surgery at Optical Express to others struggling with poor vision. “I’d recommend Optical Express every time. Everyone does the research and I did as well, they came out on top obviously. I have family that have had it done as well, so that was one of the reasons. So yeah, I’d recommend them every time. I had really, really poor eyes, so it’s a game changer for me,” he comments.