Patient Reviews

"The staff were lovely and made me feel very welcome."


Laser Eye Surgery
April 2021

Eager to spend more hassle-free quality time with her 5-year-old daughter, Ashleigh was determined to rid herself of her glasses. Finding them to be very restrictive in her everyday life, as she often had to tell her daughter ‘Oh no, I can’t do that because of my glasses’ or ‘No, I’ve got to be extra careful’, she started looking into laser eye surgery as an alternative vision correction solution and was delighted to find that she was a suitable candidate for treatment.

“I wanted them done mainly because of my daughter really. We’ve started swimming lessons and I couldn’t see in the pool without my glasses and I couldn’t see in the pool with them,” she explains. Also working in a residential home, the global COVID-19 pandemic brought additional issues and frustrations, as having to wear full PPE meant that her glasses would continuously steam up: “It’s been very, very difficult. Especially with the face masks, because obviously, they steam up all the time. I have to take them off, clean them, and then I have to go back and do my PPE again.”

Fed up with the constant hassle and inconvenience, Ashleigh decided to book in for laser eye surgery at our Nottingham clinic. She was delighted with the care and support she received from staff members, who made her feel at ease throughout the entire process. Prior to surgery, she also had the opportunity to talk through the procedure with her surgeon, which left her feeling more confident and prepared. “They made me feel very, very welcome. I could hear their voices ‘You’re doing fine Ashleigh, well done Ashleigh’. My surgeon was very nice, he spoke to me for quite a while before I went in. I felt quite confident with him and to go through with it,” she says.

Waking up the morning after surgery, Ashleigh was shocked with how much she could already see and is looking forward to her vision settling and improving even further. She has already started planning some well-deserved family time with her partner and daughter, with a trip to the beach being top priority: “My daughter is desperate to go to the beach. Now, I’ve not got to worry about sand in my glasses or my glasses falling off into the sand.”

When asked if she would recommend laser eye surgery at Optical Express to family and friends, Ashleigh didn’t hesitate: “I’m still in shock of how much I can see already, even though I’m still going through the recovery period but I know things are only going to get better. I would recommend Optical Express to friends and family due to the good care and service I’ve received.”