Patient Reviews

“From the consultation to the end, it is just so simple.”


Laser Eye Surgery
October 2012

Marcus had laser eye surgery with Optical Express, and couldn’t quite believe just how easy the whole experience was; “From the consultation to the end, it is just so simple.”

Since having the surgery Marcus hasn’t looked back and is loving life with his new found visual freedom. Not only can he now enjoy the picturesque views when he goes to nice restaurants for dinner, he also loves going swimming with clear vision.  Getting to experience these things with without the need for glasses and contact lenses has made him appreciate his sight so much more and he has never looked back since having the procedure.

When asked if he would recommend laser eye surgery with Optical Express and he said “I would recommend it, no problems, no issues and it feels weird that it was only 3 weeks ago I had it done, it feels like I have had it done forever.”