Patient Reviews

“The change was extraordinary and virtually instant”


Lens Replacement Surgery
April 2022

After having lens replacement surgery at our Birmingham clinic, Roderick wasn’t quite prepared for just how incredible the result would be, claiming “The change was extraordinary and virtually instant”. After spending years frustrated with the hassle and restrictions that comes with wearing glasses, he is now overjoyed with his upgraded vision, “I’ve got the sight of 20 year old me!”

“You don’t realise how much your life has been affected and restricted” Roderick tells us that because deteriorating vision can be such a gradual process, he felt that he didn’t fully grasp the impact that it had on his life until after his surgery when he found he didn’t need to worry about it anymore. Now he is looking forward to seeing things that he didn’t even realise he missed, like the scenery from his office window, the fine print on his newspaper and the stunning views on holiday “You’re seeing the world as it is for the first time in years.”

As well as the hassle and inconvenience of his glasses, Rod was also becoming increasingly aware of the potential safety implications of his deteriorating eye sight, commenting that when driving in the dark, he did not feel 100% road safe.

After doing his research and getting recommendations from people who had also had a lens replacement surgery procedure, Optical Express came out on top in terms of outcomes and value for money, so for him choosing Optical Express for his surgery was a “no brainer”. Talking about how impressed he was by the service provided he said, “Optical Express has been amazingly efficient from start to finish” and the results are nothing short of “life-changing”.

The experience as a whole has been outstanding for Roderick and the results have changed every area of his life for the better, “it has been transformational”. Going forward he is excited to fully appreciate all the spectacular sights that life has to offer, without worrying about his glasses!